What You Should Know About Quality Chicken Processing

By Patty Summers

Eating poultry is adored by plenty of people. A great chunk of the diets of plenty of people would be composed of poultry. Most countries in the world will mostly eat poultry. Eating of poultry is not banned in any religious sectors except if they practice veganism, pescetarianism, and vegetarianism. The meat is very tasty, easy to prepare, and light. They can be grilled, stewed, or fried, among others. They can also be added to salads, sandwiches, and soups, among others. Meat loaves, sausages, and hotdogs can also be made by processing this meat. Quality chicken processing can produce the poultry bought from butcher shops, deli stores, and groceries. More facts and details on this should then be learned.

Knowing the varied procedures undergone by chickens before hitting your place is really crucial. An array of farms will raise these chickens. They are fed, cared for, and grown properly. When the birds are ready, crates would be used to contain them during delivery to the broiler houses. Holding rooms are then used while they await their fate. During this period, keeping the birds calm is crucial. Restlessness, irritability, and agitation would have to be prevented. Too much movement may cause injuries. The meat would also have discolorations when internal injuries are sustained.

These chickens would then be stunned. It would be important to stun them so they can turn unconscious. They would not feel anything when they get killed then. After these birds are killed, they would be allowed to bleed. Bleeding would be important as blood can discolor their meat. Their blood would be properly treated and discarded.

Scalding will occur after the bleeding then. The scalding process can remove feathers, clean the birds, and kill germs. To prevent cooking of the birds, proper temperatures are needed. So cleanliness would be ensured, frequent changes of water is crucial. They will then do plucking. Pinfeathers would be effectively removed with this. Large machines are usually used for this process.

These birds would then be cut. They would remove oil glands, head, and feet. They would also do evisceration. In this step, vital organs would be removed. These organs would then be cleaned, processed, and stored. The carcass would also be cut up. Some would remain whole. Some would be cut to thighs, breasts, wings, or drumsticks, depending on consumer demands.

Such birds will be washed after then. They will be washed usually with chilled water. They might be blasted using chilled air too. Proper temperatures will be required for this. This will ensure quality, safety, and preservation. Chilling will prepare the meat for freezing.

Further steps would also be done for some parts. Marinating can also be done. They will make use of special marinating ingredients. The meat would be injected with the marinade. Tumblers can also be used in the process. Proper penetration as well as uniform distribution can be ensured in this.

Proper packaging of the chickens will also be done. Accurate weighing will then follow. They will then seal, tag, and ship off the poultry.

Quality chicken processing would really involve these steps. These steps are needed to ensure that customers would be consuming healthy, safe, and choice poultry meat. You can then eat poultry without worries.

About the Author:

This website www.florencemeat.com offers quality chicken processing for all the catering businesses in the California area. To choose us as your selected supplier, review previous customer testimonials here http://www.florencemeat.com.

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