Showing posts with label BBQ At Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBQ At Home. Show all posts

Article : Enjoying Southern Style BBQ At Home ( cooking article)

Enjoying Southern Style BBQ At Home

By Alison Wilcox

When cooking southern style bbq there are many methods that can be used. However, the one method that seems to be getting the most attention is the smoked bbq. A lot of the bbq restaurants in the south have their own smoke house to cook their meat in. You do not have to own a smoke house to get that fabulous flavor into your bbq.

You could always use your grill for smoking your bbq. However, if you are planning to do a lot of smoking then you could look into getting a smoker of your own. It is surprising just how affordable a smoker is. The many types you have to choose from is equally as surprising.

Your gonna need to choose a meat for your bbq. Down south we use pork shoulders a lot for our bbq. Your next step will be picking out a type of wood chip for smoking. This is an important step because the chip you choose will be giving your meat most of its flavor. If you ask a group of people to recommend a type of chip to use you will probably get several different answers. There are even people that combine different chips to come up with their own combination.

After you pick out your wood chips you have to move on to seasoning your meat. This step will vary depending on what you prefer. Some people choose to marinade their meat, while others choose to dry rub theirs. Even still there are some people that prefer to use little or nothing so that the meat has a natural flavor.

You may find that many of the bbq restaurants down south like to use dry rubs for their pork shoulders. That is not a problem if you do not like that type of bbq because these places usually have many different types of bbq to choose from. One of the favorites down south is the bbq chicken.

You can do your chicken many different ways, just like your pork or beef. You could choose to brine your chicken before cooking to help it stay juicy. You could also choose to marinade or dry rub. My favorite way to have bbq chicken is with wet bbq sauce smeared on top of it and then cooked slowly so that the sauce becomes sticky.

Another southern favorite is the bbq ribs. With the ribs it is up to you as to whether you want to use beef or pork. You will also have to choose a method of flavoring just like with the pulled pork and the chicken. So you see there are many different types of bbq to choose from and all of them are amazing.

The great thing about bbq is it is up to you as to how you flavor it. There is not one simple way to cook or flavor your bbq. Southern style bbq can be prepared a number of ways. You just decide what you like and make it. If you are having people over and are not sure what everyone likes, you can season your meats many different ways. You can also cook many different meats.

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