Recipe : Skewers of beef with green tapenade( 280 kcal )

Skewers of beef with green tapenade

Amount6 Person (s)
Preparation15 mins
Baking10 min
Cost of revenueCheap
Level of difficultyEasy


  • 950 g beef steak
  • 150 g pitted green olives
  • 3 c. tablespoons of cheese
  • salt and pepper


* Prepare the tapenade:
Coarsely chop green olives and mix with the cheese.
* Preparing the meat:
Cut the beef into thin slices and put them in a dish pit. Sprinkle the chopped green olives and pepper.Mix and set aside to cool 15 min.
Sew the strips of beef on small skewers and place them on the grill (or, if the oven) and bake about 10 minutes, turning regularly skewers.
Serve with white rice.


Caloric value for 1 person: 280 kcal


For this recipe, choose preferably a little beef fat (do not hesitate to ask your butcher) and tender. You will get a flat diet rich in high quality protein (15 to 20g/100g) and iron. In fact, beef is one of the richest meat heme iron (3mg/100g), well absorbed by the body. In this recipe, we offer a beef steak that is less calories. Green olives are beneficial for cardiovascular health, aid digestion and are rich in vitamin E (antioxidant), Omega 3 and 6 (fight against cholesterol).

Recipe : Skewers of beef with green tapenade( 280 kcal )

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