Recipe : French Crepes Fruit Cake (fine recipes)

Recipe : French Crepes Fruit Cake  (fine recipes)
Quantity4 Person (s)
Training10 min
Cost of revenueInexpensive
Level of difficultyEasy


1. Flour 175g
2. Eggs 2
3. Fine sugar 30g
4. Pinch of salt
5. Milk 350cc
6. Unsalted butter 30g


French Crepes Fruit Cake
1. Sift the flour, granulated sugar and salt, mix well
2. Add the eggs and milk, stir.
3. Microwave to melt the unsalted butter into liquid. Stir well
4. Add flour batter and mix well. Seal up the batter and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
5. Preparing fruit while waiting for the batter, cut your chosen fruit into 0.3cm slices.
6 Preheat the pan, add a tablespoon of butter to coat the pan evenly.
7. Pour a tablespoon of batter into the pan (use a spoon to scoop so that the thickness of each piece will be the same).
8. Us low heat to fry until the edge slight tilt of to the upper side and flip and continue to fry until the crepe is golden. Continue to fry all the batter, (it makes about 9 crepes).
Now we are up to the assembly steps, basically the structure is a layer of crepe – covered with a layer of fruit. Fill up the gap between the fruit evenly with whipped cream. Finally cover the top layer with the last crepe.
We are done: cover the whole cake with plastic wrap (to avoid drying) and put in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours before serve (this cake tastes better when cold).

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