Recipe : Mushroom omelette ( 116 kcal) "Omelet recipes"

  Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes"    116 kcal  

Recipe : Mushroom omelette ( 116 kca l)   "Omelet recipes"
Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes" 116 kcal
Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes" 116 kcal
Quantity4 Person (s)
Training10 min
Cooking10 min
Cost of revenueInexpensive
Level of difficultyEasy


Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes" 116 kcal

  • 4œufs
  • 1 jar of mixed mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • parsley
  • 1 knob of margarine lighter
  • salt and pepper


Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes" 116 kcal

Beat the eggs. Salt and pepper them.
Saute onions and mushrooms in margarine , salt and pepper, sprinkle with parsley. Book.
Cook the omelette, put the mushrooms in the middle and fold the omelet in half.


Mushroom omelette "Omelet recipes" 116 kcal

Caloric value for a person: 116 kcal

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