Recipe : Zucchini pancakes with turmeric (vegan) (fine recipes )

Recipe : Zucchini pancakes with turmeric (vegan)

Quantity6 Person (s)
Training25 min
Cooking20 min
Cost of revenueInexpensive
Level of difficultyEasy


  • zucchini medium
  • 3 c. tablespoons flour
  • 3 c. tablespoons of cream (not too runny)
  • 2 or 3 egg yolks (prefer organic eggs)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 shallot (or 2 depending on size)
  • Turmeric at will ...
  • 40-50 g grated parmesan cheese type or county
  • some chopped tarragon leaves (optional)
  • salt and pepper


Wash zucchini and grate them, salt them a bit and put them to drain for 15 to 20 minutes.
In a bowl, pour the flour and baking powder, stir and then add the center eggs and sour cream and mix again. Add the zucchini by hand, in small handles that are pressed between the fingers well above the sink just before (to complete draining) and mix.
Then stir the chopped shallot into small pieces and grated cheese and mix.
Taste and add a little salt if necessary (be careful, not too much because you have already put the zucchini in the beginning, and the cheese is salty).
Then place this mixture using a spoon on a pre-coated with a sheet parchment paper , in doses that form the patties after cooking (your dose may be more or less generous as you propose your patties into bite appetizer or input).
Allow about 20 minutes in the oven on low-medium heat (180 ° C, gas mark 6).
The cakes are cooked when they are easily dislodged with a spatula or knife.


Serve with the deglazed juices, cloves of garlic and fried green vegetables, ratatouille or candied cherry tomatoes.

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