Recipe : Niçoise Salad with Grilled Tuna and Potatoes "Fine Cooking"

Niçoise Salad with Grilled Tuna and Potatoes "Fine Cooking"

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How to make a salad Nicoise fine cooking

A classic pairing of salty black olives and tuna salad nicoise this French made a spectacular dish. Discover the simple steps to make the salad Nicoise sauce recipe with ingredients that are easy to keep on hand, and enjoy recreating this classic coffee at home fine cooking.

What is Nicoise salad fine cooking?

This robust salad sings salty coast of southern France sauce recipe. Fine cooking filled sunlit products, ideal for hot summer days. Or anchovies or tuna in olive oil are a constant in this salad as well as conventional small black olives. We must find the best tuna, anchovies and olives, you may find that this is a recipe where they occupy a central place.

You'll notice the recipe below is not vinegar. That's how you find Nice in southern France, but if you prefer a bit of punch, feel free to add a fine cooking little red wine vinegar and a little mustard to the dressing when you add herbs. More than anything else, feel free to experiment, add the potato mixture, sprinkle with croutons, sauce recipe consider beans or use anchovies instead of tuna. Really, it's up to you!

What you need fine cooking

This sauce recipe is fine cooking for four people, but can easily be enlarged or reduced.

4 large ripe tomatoes,
Freshly ground black pepper
1 clove garlic, peeled
2 Lebanese cucumbers, peeled, seeded and chopped sauce recipe
2 small red onions, peeled and sliced
1 green pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 head romaine lettuce, cut into small pieces fine cooking
100 g of small black olives
4 hard boiled eggs, peeled and quartered
250 g can of tuna in olive oil, drained and broken into pieces
4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
200 of extra virgin olive oil ml
Step 1

With a sharp knife, cut the tomatoes in half and take out the cores. Cut each half into slices 2 cm. Place the tomato slices in a colander set over a bowl fine cooking sauce recipe. Sprinkle with a little salt and let drain for 15 minutes. This will remove excess moisture and prevent the salad from becoming soggy.

Step 2

Use the palm of your knife, lightly crush the garlic. Sauce recipe rub the crushed clove fine cooking on the surface of the cup. Lightly season the bowl with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Step 3

Fine cooking place the cucumber, onion, pepper, lettuce and olives in the bowl. sauce recipe In a small bowl, mix the olive oil and basil. Season with a little salt and pepper. At this point, you can also add a dash of vinegar, if you want your preparation to have a little more punch.

Step 4

Add tomatoes and cup of tuna.Fine cooking pour dressing and mix well. Place the eggs on top and serve immediately.

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