Recipe : Fried chicken and penne with vegetables

Fried chicken and penne with vegetables

Amount6 Person (s)
Preparation15 mins
Baking15 mins
Cost of revenueAffordable
Level of difficultyEasy


·                          500 g penne
·                          400 g of chicken
·                          3 carrots
·                          100 g mushrooms
·                          2 onions
·                          30 cl of cream
·                          herbs
·                          salt and pepper


1 Cut the chicken into pieces and brown it in a pan.

2 Peel and finely chop the onions. Pour into the pan.

3 Cut carrots and mushrooms into small dice and add the chicken.

4 Salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs.

5 Cook for 20 min

6 In a saucepan of boiling water, cook pasta for 10 min.

7 When the chicken and vegetables are cooked, add the cream and serve immediately!

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