Recipe : Flan with coconut ( 261 Kcal )

Flan with coconut ( 261 Kcal )

Amount4 Person (s)
Preparation10 min
Baking15 mins
Cost of revenueAffordable
Level of difficultyEasy


  • 50 g of grated coconut
  • 250 g of unsweetened condensed milk
  • 250 ml of skimmed milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 c. tablespoons of baking sweetener special


Beat the eggs with a fork .
In a bowl with electric mixer eggs, skim milk, condensed milk and powdered sweetener.
Gradually add the grated coconut, while continuing to beat.
Pour this mixture into a lightly greased and turn heat to medium power in the microwave for 15 minutes (stir halfway) or baked in a water bath thermostat 7-8 for about 40 minutes.


Caloric value for one person: 261 Kcal.


The main interest of this dessert is its lack of fat and rich in calcium (milk through it). Indeed, condensed milk provides 255mg of calcium/100g and skimmed milk provides classic 115mg/100g. Remember that the daily needs of an adult are 900mg/100g. Coverage calcium intake is a component for lowering blood pressure. The coconut is very energetic because of its high sugar content, but it is a good source of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, or iron, and contains significant amount of fiber (2.5g/100g) .

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